Save Mother Earth - game
- 27.10.2022 20:31
- The game was created by the Hungarian school in Edeleny - Nyitott Ajtó Baptista Oktatási Tagintézmény
1.Tablet2.City map /offline/3.English dictionary /offline/4.QR codes5.QR code reader application6.Lifesaving package - something to drink and some snackPLOTWelcome kids! You are here, because
you are the best team chosen
by the leaders!
We know many superheroes like Superman, Batman, the Avengers and X-men, they all working on saving good people, but there is someone else who needs help from you! Mother Earth needs you! She is in trouble. There is too much pollution, too many bad things here. You have several missions to complete! If you fail, you have to leave the planet...
Our hopes are in your hands! This is our last chance!
So please, save us, save Her!
See the FILE with the STAGES and clues
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